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Age 34, Male


school of death

bellvue, wa

Joined on 2/23/10

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Short story about ZOMBIES

Posted by zombie4208 - February 24th, 2010

Julia, Her dad, and her brother Ray where fishing of the cost of Florida. "I think I got one," Dad called out. "WOW IT'S A BIG ONE" He gave a mighty tug on the fishing pole and a huge blast of water came from where the fishing line was. A loud crunching sound came with a black streak and as soon as the water rose it fell, but the boat was a little bit higher. "Is every one ok?" Dad asked.
"I still got a sun burn," Julia responded. Ray was silent or whats left of him.
"How bout' you Ray?" Dad asked again. As he turned his head he was blasted by fear when he saw rays body. It was missing the top half. He couldint move his eyes off Rays remains. Dad was stuck, frozen in place. The fishing pole started to move. Just then it flew off the boat hitting him in the back of the head. He spun around seing a dark shadow streak across the sea just under the surfise. Dad seemed to pull a harpoon gun out of nowere. He fired blindly at the monster. The harpoon hit it right in the head, but it still was moving. It took a sharp turn towards the boat. "We need to get out of here!" He yelled. He stared to paddle away, but the monster was to fast. It took a big bite out of the boat. The boat began to sink. Just as the boat was almost completly submerged a large ship came out from the horrizon and rammed into the monster almost splting it in half. The ship had Z.I.C.T writen on it where the name would go. As the ship lowered its bridge the what used to be a shark started to move around even with its fatal injuries.
"Come on we need to go now," The soldier commanded. He was dressed in a strange looking armor. His helmet resembled a gas mask, but had glowing eyes. His body armor looked like midevil knight, but made of kevlar. (matreall in bullet proof vest)
"What is this place?" Dad asked.
"No time for questions; I'll tell you when you get abord," The soldier repeated he sounded serious.
Part two
"Now tell me what happening," Dad demaned.
"We will tell you as long as you don't tell any one," The soldier began. "This is a goverment cover up. Keaping the public from knowing whats happening. The entire world is at war behind your back. No contrys are fighting we fight for survival. A horribal disease has been discoverd and it has a mind of its own. The thing that attcked you was dead and it was not."
"What do you mean?" Dad asked getting very confused.
"Their zombies!" The soldier yelled getting frustrated. "The dead have risen and our job is so YOU don't know. You will be screened for infection and you will be sent back to the publc." Dad and Julia went into a strange room. Dad went first. A sicentists was in the room. He took a blood sample from Dad then Julia did the same. Dad was clean, but Julia was infected though not compleatly.
"She passed the test, but the infection didn't reach the brain giving a longer period of infection," The sicentist began to explain. "There is a camp where other 'aplicents' are. We will send her there and she will live there untill the infection takes controll."
Dad gave out a long sigh. "Ok just one thing, can I see her?" He asked. The sicentist was silent. "Well can I !?!" He asked again clenching his teeth.
"Yes untill the infection takes over," The sientist ancerd. Dad nodded acting like he understood. Two solders showed him to the boat to take him back to shore. When he got into the boat, there was a loud exploshon.
"The subjects have excaped!" A solder yelled firing his gun into a hall way. Dad watched as a black streek came through the hall way the soldier was firing into. As soon as the streek aperard it vanished with the soldier leaving a black trail behind.
"Get him out of-" Started a soldier before another 'subject' swept him away. The soldiers gun was sent across the floor and hit Dad in the foot. He picked up the gun without even knowing where the triger was. A slower zombie was headed twoards him. Dad started to press all the buttons untill the gun fired a huge blast of something, but the zombie was non the less disintrgated. The shot sent Dad flying into the boat hitting the release button. He was on the boat head for shore, but uncotious. As he floated away, the ship exploded. The shock wave from the explosion sent Dad rocketing twoards the shore. When he hit the shore the life gaurd went to help him. when the life gaurd shook Dad awake he opined his eyes and bit the the life gaurds arm. The end.

zombies: the gift that keeps on givin'

Now I wrote this in school And there will be alot more to come!


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