so if you haven't heard I'm making a game.
Here is a time line
2005-ish I buy a skech book and started making a reprenstaion of my self
2009 the me evolves into a much more realistic state but still deformed
2010 drawn me turns into a madness-esc shape and the idea for the game starts
2011 Production begins and the plot thickens
and so here is the basic story
the main character is no longer me... he is now ... I'll give you a name when I have one... fredicson or logan. any way he has a normal life as a unknown job. one day he and his also unnamed friend flip a coin and the most unlikely thing happens, it lands on its side. verticaly. | so he leaves the apartment to find him self confronted by a man wealding a knife. basicly the attacker dies _____ finds a map to a facility which houses a impoboblity device. yes madness. any way, the HERO must fight through four bases to shut down all the devices.
It works like madness interactive, but the big thing is STORY.
while ____'s backstory remains unknown It will be revealed in gameplay and cutseens. WOOH
I'm thinking of adding in outfit skins for the player SO I will basterdize any who want to be in the game. Only the best 3 will make it. so Email the Images and what not.
I'm Thinking about voice acting, but I'll peroboly do it my self. +1 month of work ._.
I hope any one responds to this...
no not you
Expect the game in +5 months
when I get a working scanner you'll be able to see the consept art.
In the comments can you vote for fredricson or logan for the name... or sugest a new name even.
edit: It may take more time than I expected, but It will be done. I will not be like duke nukem
cool i'll be looking out for it