I am a game maker serriusly, but really I can be a good voter or an EVIL one If anyone wants to talk to me email will be the best idea or pms

Age 34, Male


school of death

bellvue, wa

Joined on 2/23/10

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1,350 / 1,600
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zombie4208's News

Posted by zombie4208 - October 31st, 2010

I have decided to make a game. not on here but xbla Indy games. It is going to be a platformer shooter. I'd expect it to done within the next year or two. now for buissness, I'm looking for some action kind of music or monster/enemy designs. Any and all who contribute will be listed in the thanks.

It is slightly inspired by madness among other things. the plot does involve an improbibilty drive and marshmellows falling from the sky. I have consept arts yet to scanned but I'm still looking for ideas. plesase do help... Pay not involved.

Posted by zombie4208 - July 16th, 2010

I'M in need of ideas for art slash comics. go to my youtbe page to post ideas. my current ideas are here right about MAO

I have a male char and I want a female char idea.
The guy sold his soul to be able to use sorcery. as he cast spells his skin disolves. when he's nothing but bone he'll be dead as the fact that he's immortal to normal wounds. cuts and stuff will still count as as spell because It's keeping him alive. his magic bar Is his health bar. also his jaw is alwas gone en stuff. gimme ur Ideas or perv kitteh will watch you sleep .............................BUWAWAWAW AWAWAWA

<http://www.youtube.com/user/zombie420 8>

Posted by zombie4208 - June 30th, 2010

chuck norris


Posted by zombie4208 - May 30th, 2010

I have found a horror that plauges the NG portal.
While scouting flash I have found true EVIL

The (kk) or kitty krew as I have found has spammed alot today and I know what to do now...
I shall root out the darkness of them and blam them once and for all.

I may need help on my crusade so any current or new protectors please help me out with mass numbers
we can win this fight and end them!

Ps my email is zombie4208@gmail so if anyone wants to talk or anything else contact me!
I will do all that I can to end all spamers!!!


Posted by zombie4208 - May 24th, 2010

In the begining... Chris was taken to a genetic lab durring puperty. (13) there he was tested for several things one of which was life without a heart. He lived without his heart for the rest of his life, but It prevented one thing. His secont mutation was a tranceformation into a demon like creature. Without a heart the mutigen couldn't activate it's self. The mutation requires a chem, adrenen... without the heart to tranceport the chemical only certen areas can change.

Now... Age 18... he uses the mutation through out daily life...
walking the dog, AT 50 MPH
Punching a guys, 's head of!
hitting a base ball, over 9000 meaters.
the list go's on but i'll cut it short here.

Chris can now mutate certain body parts via herro- Adrenlin shots. 'till he got his ARTIFITAL HEART!
With a heart you know the rest.

eyes green lft, blue rit
hair: black ... wasist
Skin tone:Pale Very VERY FUKIN VERY PALE
Weapon (S) fists of norris, claws, gravity, spelling, My super awesome ablity of... I forgot
Enemy: THE FEDS, God, Chuck norris, ?
like long walks on the shores of hell, cooking in an inferno, standing knee deep in dead,
exploions, all fps non-gay cough nintendo cough.

Whell thats 1 down chek back nxt week for number 2.

That explains every thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by zombie4208 - May 24th, 2010

More Ideas are flushing ut of my head for the flash I will start so here I GO.
Chareters- shit, Char
1 Chris .I Aka The anti-chris
2 Chance. H Aka Your last...
3 Trunt .Y
4 Evan .M Aka Even madder
5Preps Aka Biches
6 Chuck norris Aka God!
7 satan Aka god.

The bios will come out in this order without 6 and 7 LOL
K Bie

Posted by zombie4208 - May 19th, 2010

(I know it's late but you can still enjoy... assholes!)

The wooden door Splinted on the force of the muscular man running into it. "Try again!" Another man commanded. The door creaked voilently as the man slammed it again. "Let's just blast this thing open," The second man said. The first, muscular man fired his gun with an empty magzine making a clicking sound. As the gun was clicking the door suddenly opened. The two men looked into the hallway on the other side.
"Ladies first," Said Jacob, the muscular man.
"Shut up!" yelled Jack the other guy. The words vibrated throught the house alerting its contents of their presence.
"Oh creeeap," Jacob growned. Just then the barakade on the other side began to move. Jack nodded his head at the door. Jacob walked up to the it with his mini sledge hammer at high rase. He tapped the door with his unused left hand. "It's good--" Just then a hand broke through the door and grabbed Jacobs forarm. Due to the zombies grip possition he could not hit it. "GET IT OFF ME!" Jacob screamed
"Move over!" Jack commanded. He took his crowbar and slammed it on the entry point of the arm, snapping it. The house was sillent when the zombie was slain. "Ok if they're in the attic and we're on the 3rd floor all we need to do is find the staircase," Jack decided.
"Lets go," Jacob said. Down the hall way they where first looking through there was a staircase. "Well thats convenent," Jacob noted. So Jack and Jacob went up the stairs. when they got up to the top of the stairs there was a human like creature hunched over something. Both of the men prepared their weapons. They walked up to the creature with their weapons held high. Jack started a 3 secont count down with his finger. 3. 2. 1. "YAAAAAA!" Yelled both men
"OH MA GWAD!" Yelled the 'creatue' in responce. "Don't sneek up on me like that!" Jack and Jacob where still in shock.
"Well let's get out of here," said Jack first from relising he had not found a talking zombie.
"First things first, have you been biten?" Jacob asked.
"No, I didn't know there where any zombies here 'till I looked out my window." He/she/it responed. It was hard to tell the race or even gender due to all the blood on the kid or adult.
"You are one BAD liar," Jack stated.
"I think the kid blocked out any bad images in his head, meening he dosen't remember fighting or anything." Jacob wonderd. Jack guessed it was a posablity. He began to look around the room.
"Oh look, it's raining," Jack pointed out after looking out a window.
"Hey, who old do you think this house is?" Jacob asked.
"Judging on the style of arcatecture. 70-100 years old, give or take," Jack responed. "Why?"
"Because a house that old probly don't have--" The roof crashed in causing a loud noise. "Rain profing."
"Fallow us closely, unless you don't like your limbs the way they are," Jack commaned. The group went down the stairs they came and was met by the barrakade infront of the door, still with a hole in it. They all carefully moved the dressers and chairs without a single sound. "On the count of three we go, 1, 2,--"
"YAAAAAAAAA" Yelled Jacob and the other person.
"No one listens to me," whined Jack. Jacob was smashing everything he saw while Jack was trying to catch up.
"We're all most out of here," said jacob.
"Wait, stop!" yelled the the unknown person. Jack and Jacob looked puzzeld. "I remember everything now. My name is robert uhhh, something, I donno. I've lived my entire life in a well what looks like an orpinage. We where mistreated, but we lerined how to survive. When I was let out I found this abandoned house and did my best to live here."
"Look kid can't this wait the bullding is coming apart!" Jacob commanded. As soon as Jacob was done talking a board came lose and hit robert on the head, knocking him out. "Why do I keep geting cut off!"
"At least he's quiet." Jack noted. Jacob hit Jack in the face for saying that. "Alright, but your caring him." Jacob was the first to see the door, but he ran right through it. He was then met by almost an entrie wall of zombies. "No! It can't end this way we won. We finished the misson!" Jack cried as he saw his greeters. Just then Chuck Norris heard Jacks sarrow and round house kick all the zombies from the other side of the U.S.
The End.
"Wait, what it isn't so post to end like that!" said Jack.
"Well it did so get over it!" Yelled Jacob "I'm just glad to get out of there."
"Speaking of there, where is here?" Robert asked very confused, but over his memories.
"I have an idea," Jack said. "Maby what go us here ripped a hole in the space-time contum thus tranceporting us to an alternet demention."
"But wouldn't the zombies be here too?" Jacob asked.
"I guess we're just lucky," Jack said.
"OH OH this is just like that episode of Sponge bob where," Robert began.
"I know what your talking about, but please lets be relvent to the situation," Jacob orderd. Just then all three of the men found them selfs at the other side of a door.
"Try again!" They heard from the other side.
"Wait one minute I think we're reliving our own history!" Jack discoverd. "I know what happens next." He then looked through the key hole and after a few seconts he opened the door.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Jacob wispered.
"Making history fallow its course," Jack said."Come on we need to get to the roof." Jack found a latter that took him up to the roof. The others fallowed Jack, but they where still confused. "All we got to do is wait untill we hear Jacob talking" Jack then put his ear to the roof and waited untill he heard the que. "Now!" he commaned. Jack and Jacob then began pounding on the roof with their weapons while Robert was jumping up and down.
"Its giving way, MOVE!" Jacob yelled. The roof then began to shake, but robert didn't relize it. Just then Robert fell through the roof. He then began to fallow his present self. Half way down the hall he held onto himself and began to wisper the truth in to his ear.
"What happens when history becomes the present?" Asked Jacob.
"I think it just keeps repeating its self. Our past becomes the present which becomes the futcher." Began to explain Jack.
"Like that one episode of ********* where ***** and ****** keep geting cloned in the exact same way we are?" Asked Robert.
"Yes, that may happen, but we still need to get out of here!" Said Jack looking angry. "All we need to do is intervine with are own history!"
"But by doing that we will remove are selfs from the face of the world!" Questioned Jacob very very confused.
"How 'bout this; would you rather live in a never ending nightmare OR end your life entrerly?" Asked Jack.
"Good point," responed Jacob. "Let's finish this."
"We should be restarting any," began Jack. He was already in the past. "All we need to do is not open the door." And so they did. Then the paradox world was distroyed and it was like nothing ever happened.
"Finaly!... wait... DOH, CRAP!" Yelled Jack.

Posted by zombie4208 - May 16th, 2010

It has been a LONG time sence I last posted!
Here are some new facts about me while I've been away.

My conversion to satanism
My conversion to communism (well that's old, but whutever)
The fact that I will be posting more storys (by tomrow)

Whell thats it expect updates and better spellng soon!
oh ya one thing...

I'm still here mudda ****

Posted by zombie4208 - February 24th, 2010

For some odd reson I keep geting saves not blams oh well. >:C I guess every one is doing beter at flash. EVERYONE:D

Posted by zombie4208 - February 24th, 2010

Julia, Her dad, and her brother Ray where fishing of the cost of Florida. "I think I got one," Dad called out. "WOW IT'S A BIG ONE" He gave a mighty tug on the fishing pole and a huge blast of water came from where the fishing line was. A loud crunching sound came with a black streak and as soon as the water rose it fell, but the boat was a little bit higher. "Is every one ok?" Dad asked.
"I still got a sun burn," Julia responded. Ray was silent or whats left of him.
"How bout' you Ray?" Dad asked again. As he turned his head he was blasted by fear when he saw rays body. It was missing the top half. He couldint move his eyes off Rays remains. Dad was stuck, frozen in place. The fishing pole started to move. Just then it flew off the boat hitting him in the back of the head. He spun around seing a dark shadow streak across the sea just under the surfise. Dad seemed to pull a harpoon gun out of nowere. He fired blindly at the monster. The harpoon hit it right in the head, but it still was moving. It took a sharp turn towards the boat. "We need to get out of here!" He yelled. He stared to paddle away, but the monster was to fast. It took a big bite out of the boat. The boat began to sink. Just as the boat was almost completly submerged a large ship came out from the horrizon and rammed into the monster almost splting it in half. The ship had Z.I.C.T writen on it where the name would go. As the ship lowered its bridge the what used to be a shark started to move around even with its fatal injuries.
"Come on we need to go now," The soldier commanded. He was dressed in a strange looking armor. His helmet resembled a gas mask, but had glowing eyes. His body armor looked like midevil knight, but made of kevlar. (matreall in bullet proof vest)
"What is this place?" Dad asked.
"No time for questions; I'll tell you when you get abord," The soldier repeated he sounded serious.
Part two
"Now tell me what happening," Dad demaned.
"We will tell you as long as you don't tell any one," The soldier began. "This is a goverment cover up. Keaping the public from knowing whats happening. The entire world is at war behind your back. No contrys are fighting we fight for survival. A horribal disease has been discoverd and it has a mind of its own. The thing that attcked you was dead and it was not."
"What do you mean?" Dad asked getting very confused.
"Their zombies!" The soldier yelled getting frustrated. "The dead have risen and our job is so YOU don't know. You will be screened for infection and you will be sent back to the publc." Dad and Julia went into a strange room. Dad went first. A sicentists was in the room. He took a blood sample from Dad then Julia did the same. Dad was clean, but Julia was infected though not compleatly.
"She passed the test, but the infection didn't reach the brain giving a longer period of infection," The sicentist began to explain. "There is a camp where other 'aplicents' are. We will send her there and she will live there untill the infection takes controll."
Dad gave out a long sigh. "Ok just one thing, can I see her?" He asked. The sicentist was silent. "Well can I !?!" He asked again clenching his teeth.
"Yes untill the infection takes over," The sientist ancerd. Dad nodded acting like he understood. Two solders showed him to the boat to take him back to shore. When he got into the boat, there was a loud exploshon.
"The subjects have excaped!" A solder yelled firing his gun into a hall way. Dad watched as a black streek came through the hall way the soldier was firing into. As soon as the streek aperard it vanished with the soldier leaving a black trail behind.
"Get him out of-" Started a soldier before another 'subject' swept him away. The soldiers gun was sent across the floor and hit Dad in the foot. He picked up the gun without even knowing where the triger was. A slower zombie was headed twoards him. Dad started to press all the buttons untill the gun fired a huge blast of something, but the zombie was non the less disintrgated. The shot sent Dad flying into the boat hitting the release button. He was on the boat head for shore, but uncotious. As he floated away, the ship exploded. The shock wave from the explosion sent Dad rocketing twoards the shore. When he hit the shore the life gaurd went to help him. when the life gaurd shook Dad awake he opined his eyes and bit the the life gaurds arm. The end.

zombies: the gift that keeps on givin'

Now I wrote this in school And there will be alot more to come!